Three Biggest Social Media Myths Busted
Welcome my darling Pretties to our Beyond to the Dawn of Business podcast for pretty empowered female entrepreneurs.
It’s time to step into your power Pretties! Lift each other, support the squad and choose a life filled with the autonomy and freedom to live your dreams.
I’m your host Dawn Beth, the Owner and Founder of Beyond the Dawn digital business brand and agency. My coffee is hot and my eyelashes are on, so we are ready to go!
I want all female entrepreneurs to feel empowered, supported and loved, and given the opportunity to really connect with other female powerhouses in the industry, in a way in which we lift each other up and inspire each other, and take care of each other in ways that we have previously not seen in business, possibly, listen to us waffling on about business and life our families, and our mindset, our financial goals and our freedoms and our autonomy. And what we hope for the world and what we hope for you, what we hope for ourselves, and all of the things that we’ve experienced through this very colorful journey of becoming successful female entrepreneurs and digital business owners.
If you want to know more you want to learn more, you want to be in a connected network of soulful heart centered female entrepreneurs to help guide and support you in your journey, and sometimes you still understand what it is that you’re going through whilst you’re building your empire, then you are in the right place. To listen to this podcast visit our channel on Apple or Spotify and remember to subscribe for future release updates!
Hey, welcome to this episode, I am so delighted to be talking to you today about the Social Media Equation. It’s not really an equation, it’s a sum, but you know, I like to call it an equation, it feels more aligned with what it is. And I just really wanted to talk to you guys about it today.
So we all know, as business owners, we need to show up on social media, we know that we need to be out there with our outward visibility practices. And we need to be doing all of the things that we can to be attracting our ideal client to us, so that we can do everything we can to nurture them and grab them at the right point in their journey for us to be able to help them. We all have people whose lives we want to make easier, but it’s not their job to find us, it’s our job to be found.
Now, over in Social Pretties. In the BTD Social Pretties free group, we are having a challenge, which is just my favourite time of year. If you’re not already in there, I will pop the sign up link in the description below. Please do come and join us it’s a free challenge. Every single year we do it people learn things that they can use. I’ve got people who have been messaging me just recently that have taken stuff from last year’s challenge and ran with it and really been able to do some amazing work and just make some more money based on what we do over that week its a really, really enjoyable, fantastic time. And I’m just so excited, just so so excited to be able to run it again and to be able to offer prizes to the people that join in and just give lots and lots of free support during that week.
It’s to celebrate us opening our audience attraction, which is our signature course, which we bring out every single year, which teaches you how to have a really significant impact on your lead generation for your business using organic social media, and it teaches you everything from content creation to which platforms perform best, what types of media works where, how the algorithm works, and all of that amazing good stuff. And of course, since we ran it last year, so many things have changed. This happens to me every single year. And I sound like a broken record. Because every single year we talk about how so many things have changed. And there’s so many new features. But there are so many new features for us to discuss this year that I just can’t wait to get stuck in. Its going to be really, really exciting.
So in terms of our social media, in terms of our lead generation, in terms of our messaging, there are general advice and there is expert advice. And the general advice, which I think we have already dispelled in Mythbusters previously would have you be making seven pieces of grid content per week. And they just have you posting consistently. And you know, I heard recently there was this really amazing peer of mine, somebody who has been in the social media space for a long, long time has been a guest speaker for Social Media Examiner, and just somebody that I’ve looked up to for the longest time suggesting that you should post every single day twice on your social medias, in order to really break through that “know like and trust” and get the amount of views that you need on your stuff. And that just blows my mind. But we’re not going to include that. We’re not going to include that we’re just going to go off the bog standard general advice.
So if you don’t have the opportunity to write something down right now, don’t worry, perhaps you want to save this episode, and re-listen to it at another time. And just come back to it and do that working out. But I would love to give you the opportunity to kind of work something out for me and for yourself so that you can bring awareness to what general advice would have you do when it comes to your social media campaign, right? I want you to think about how many social media accounts you have that you want to show up for your ideal clients for so if you have a Facebook business page, then you count that one, if you have an Instagram then you count that one, you might also have a Facebook group so you’ve count that one, you might also have a Twitter, so we’ll count that one, you may also have a LinkedIn, so we would count that one.
And that’s without looking at reels, stories, guides, articles, or any of those additional things. That’s just within social media that’s not any of the other outward visibility practices I’m not going to overwhelm you with everything. But that’s, that’s just those ones, right?
So say, for instance, you just had those ones and we’re not even talking about stories, we’re not talking about reels, we’re not talking about any of those other good things. We’re just talking about newsfeeds and grids, and just the standard posting stuff. Yeah? So say you did that and you had your five, I want you to then times that by the general advice, which is seven times per week, so one post on every platform every single day, every single week, so however many platforms you have, times seven, so I’m going to use five as the standard number. So Facebook page, Facebook group, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn is my five. So I times that by seven, and that gives me 35.
I know you’ll all be so impressed with the maths but I did work this out before I started recording so don’t be too impressed. Because that wasn’t mental mathematics that occurred just then, I probably shouldn’t have said anything, I should have just taking credit. But hey, if you’re sat there with a calculator right now, no judgement, you’re in good company.
So 35 pieces of content per week is the standard minimum expectation for you to have a good lead generation for your business on social media. That’s just a week. So then in order for you to get a monthly figure, you need to times that by four, which works out at 140 pieces of content, minimum 10 months. Now, I just want you to think about the last time you wrote a post on Facebook, or the last time you shared a picture on Instagram, how long it took for you to create that one piece of content. If you’re sat here listening to this podcast, and you are a batching master, or you know how to repurpose to a degree where you can just whip this content out over and over, then I applaud you, and I congratulate you. But for the majority of female entrepreneurs that I come across, they haven’t got those things in place yet. They’re still posting and praying, or they are just doing that famine and feast thing where one week they post every single day, and the next week, they post nothing at all. Now, the problem is, is that 140 pieces of content, if you are not an experienced content creator is a massively overwhelming amount of stuff to do. It’s a decent amount of stuff. If every single post took you 15 minutes, then you would be looking at 2100 minutes, which is 35 hours a week.
I feel like I should drop my mic, but that would just make a massive bang. So I’m not going to do that. Now, I don’t want to overwhelm you, I don’t want to be sat there going, oh my gosh, this is awful. And it’s not possible. It totally is possible. Okay is totally possible. One of the things that we teach on audience attraction is how you can create the right amount of content for your brand consistently to make sure that all of your key messages are going out to your ideal clients, and you are naturally attracting people to you, rather than forcing this complete content mill where it is just an overview constantly, if you giving a full week of your month, to sharing on social media. Now there are ways and means to do it that we do in terms of just creating these amazing ways for you to really know how to simplify and batch and repurpose. But there’s also a lot in terms of making sure that the messages that you do share a really impactful and we use a lot of psychological selling we use the theories of aesthetics and we combine this amazing group of modalities to really create this impactful structure for you to be able to truly reach the right people for your business.
So have a little think about how much content creation you are doing in your business right now. How can you streamline it how can you batch it how can you date take those numbers down and think about whether it is worth considering ways in which you can just make it simple for yourself and make it easy for yourself, one of the things I really love to do is I love to look at that number and think okay, so 35 hours in my business, if that was 35 client calls, how much money am I losing per month, by assigning that to my content for additional leads for lead gen. Lead Gen is by far the most important thing you can do with your social media connection and lead genthat’s the bag, you know, that’s the jam. But at the same time, there’s so many different ways that you can do it to make it so much easier for you so that you can be out there actually making money rather than losing money whilst trying to onboard new clients. So have a little think see how that sticks with you. I would love for you to let me know what your number is come and join us in the free group for our challenge. Our challenge is just one of those amazing weeks that we have together, where we have the opportunity to really look at everything that we’re doing, do come over, come and join us, we would love to see you. I will pop the link to the free group in the description. Come and join in. There’s a lot of really good stuff happening and I just can’t wait to get to know you and to support you in figuring out how you’re going to make this work for you and how you going to make your messages really truly impactful. All right, my darlings have a fabulous day and I will see you next time.
Hi and welcome to this episode. Today, I want to dispel some social media myths and just give you a little insight into how we can get swept up in the fake news when it comes to how best to use social media for our business.
So firstly, hope you’re doing really, really well. I was sending you a world of love in the month of love. And I hope that you have gotten to this point and you’re doing lots and lots for yourself and your business recognising all of the good things that that can do for you going forward. One of the things that we do when we’re in the space of social media, we’re in the space of trying to gain new leads is we consume a lot of different messages from other people. Now consuming messages in and of itself is not a bad thing at all, it’s really good for us to be in that space is really good for us to have an understanding of what’s going on. But it can be also really important for us to recognise when we need to do something for ourselves and our own situation, rather than being swept away with the tide of what’s going on for everybody else.
So the three main questions I get asked all the time when we are mythbusting. I’m going to mythbust them today so that they can help you and you can recognise which areas of social media are causing a little bit of confusion and brain fog, where there really, really genuinely doesn’t need to be.
So myth number one that you need a massive audience in order to be able to sell and make the money that you want to make. So don’t get me wrong, having a massive audience can be really helpful if they are an audience of ideal clients. But the people that we have around us in the entrepreneurial space that have a massive audience of ideal clients are those that have been going for years and years and years. They’ve been consistently good or excellent for a very long time. And they’ve built that audience up as assets to their business over this time using a variation of fantastic outward visibility practices. Now, what’s fantastic about that is that it gives all of us that information that if we are consistent, and we keep going, it can work for us too. But that doesn’t mean that you have to wait until you have that in order to make really good sales. I think I’ve said this previously on another podcast that I’ve done, that my first six figures was actually made in less than 50 people. So if you can find 50 people to work with you, you have the opportunity to create a really good sustainable income without having a massive audience 50 people is not a massive audience. When you think about how many people there are on social, you’ve got a billion people active on Instagram, for instance, you can find however many people you need for that to be significant for you.
What is really important though, is that you can have a massive audience or even a medium sized audience. And that makes absolutely no difference to your sales. And I’m probably not going to be given a spoiler alert here when I say that that is because you have a massive audience of people who are not on the spectrum of your ideal client okay?
The thing that is really important for everybody to know is that actually finding your people is so much more important than finding lots of general public. You want to make sure that the people that are the right people for you to work with are the people that you’re attracting, they’re the people that you’re speaking to, and you’re the people that you’re interacting with regularly on your social accounts. And if you’re doing that you can grow steady, you can grow in just a lovely quality way and the quantity doesn’t matter. A lot of people look at follower counts, you know, friend numbers and follower counts, and all of these things to give themselves the idea of being an established business. It’s a load of rubbish. It does not matter how many people you have, as long as the people that you have are the right people.
For instance, we recently found that we have a tonne of people on our Instagram that are not our ideal clients. When this podcast first started, we had an influx of new followers and we were so busy at the time with client work and everything that we were doing, we really didn’t take the time to review which is not like us at all, but we didn’t take the time to review who it was that was following those. And we had hundreds of people follow us every single day and we were just loving the fact that we hit the mark. And we thought that this was due to our podcast going out. It turns out recently, we found that we have a tonne of non ideal client people following us, and we’re not entirely sure how we got them but we’re in the process of removing them from our follow list and we can already see, I think we’ve moved a couple of 100. Already, we’ve completely deleted a couple of 100 people, we work exclusively with women and there are a lot of dudes on that account that came from places in the world that we’ve never been to and it’s just not our ideal clients. So we’ve removed a couple of 100 already. And we’re seeing our engagement rise, we’re seeing all of the positive insights on our Instagram come back on the back of those people being removed.
So you don’t need a massive audience and also do check who your audience are. If your ideal client isn’t Dave 43, divorced, likes pie and chips on a Friday night, then remove him from your follow list, okay leave those seats for the people that you really want to be seeing your content. That’s the first myth buster.
The second mythbuster is a really big one. And I hope you’re listening to this, I hope you’re really taking this in because this is this is going to rock your world. There is no secret sauce. There is no secret sauce, there just isn’t. It doesn’t matter if you post seven days a week at 9am, or on a Wednesday at 3pm. And use all 30 hashtags and stand on your head whilst dancing with a banana wearing one eyelash and one shoe. There is no secret sauce to make it work, it’s much simpler than that. Everybody is chasing the holy grail of how to beat the algorithm and the truth is that some really clever algebra, you’re not going to beat it. Don’t try and fight against the tide, grab yourself a nice canoe and go along with the flow, understand how the algorithm works. Do the things that work for you. If you could consistently post three times a week, and you know that you can perform that function comfortably, as well as doing all of your other tasks. Then share your message three times a week, every week from now until forever. If you can only find six or seven hashtags that you feel are aligned with what you want to say, use six or seven hashtags.
Don’t get me wrong Instagram gives us little tidbits of things that work best. But even if you do all of the things correctly, you will find that when your message hits, it hits because you are reaching your people. Not because there’s some secret sauce or because you’re beating the algorithm or you’ve got a cheat code for Instagram, like it just doesn’t that just doesn’t work. If you were to take consistent messy action, even if it was wrong, then you would still grow. Okay, so don’t think about all the schematics, there isn’t a secret sauce, just do what’s right for you and do it well do it consistently.
And the best thing that you can do is that you can take some action, like even if you didn’t have a plan, even if you didn’t have a strategy and I know this probably sounds crazy from somebody who teaches planning strategy, content creation, I get it. I totally get it. But even if you didn’t have any of those things in place, if those things feel too hard and heavy for you, then you can absolutely just take the action, get the stuff done, and you will make traction in terms of your social medias.
Okay, myth number three. There was a saying that was a really prominent a few years ago, and I’m not even sure if people still use it anymore. But I really like to use it as my example, so it was a saying that was ABC, always be selling. And I don’t know if you’ve heard that if you have then have a giggle with me, because I always be selling, it’s actually so true, but not in the way that most people take it. So always be selling is a myth in the way that it is used on social media. So if you’re putting a post out a day or two posts a day, asking people to buy from you, promoting your services, letting people know what offers you’ve got on, using really strong call to actions like DM me now. Or click the link for more or any of those really strong things and you’re doing that super, super regularly, like every single day, you are going to turn your audience off. It’s too much.
Most people who sell well sell without ever being salesy. Okay, there is an art form to selling. And often it’s just about feeling really confident in what you have to sell. It’s about not allowing there to be a moment or an air of desperation. I said a couple of weeks ago. And I love this terminology, that desperation is a skunk spray. So if you have let yourself enter the circle of desperation in terms of like, I need money now, then you automatically are going to hold that scent, you’re going to hold that stink for a long, long time doesn’t matter how much you wash, its going to be there just this musty smell on you, every single time you post people are going to get a whiff of it and it’s going to turn them off. Now I know that if you’re not making sales and you need to make money me saying to you don’t have the air of desperation may sound really harsh and it might also sound like how do I not do that Dawnie like, how do I not come off desperate when I am. And it’s all to do with the way you’re showing up. It’s all to do with your mindset. And it’s all to do with about how you are planning to attract your ideal client.
In a couple of weeks, I have my FREE challenge, which I do every single year for the launch of my signature course audience attraction, which is just my absolute favourite thing to deliver. And every single year, we take our ladies through this journey of figuring out how you can sell without being salesy, and how you can do it with ease and flow so that it really doesn’t ever come across desperate and allows people to see that social proof and that confidence in you, which obviously allows sales to happen more organically and just in such more of an enjoyable way than that force and push and pressure, which so many of us have been taught previously when it comes to kind of like bro marketing tactics and sales.
Obviously, speaking to people in DMs is one of the really, really strong things at the moment that everybody is talking about. And it’s fantastic outreach, personal outreach is amazing. It’s really, really good. But if you’re cold messaging people, and you’re constantly trying to sell every single day, and it’s like jump into my DMs right now, or click this link all the time, people are just going to start to recognise that the only thing that you’re after is to sell to them and all of that special feeling around community, all of the things that you may genuinely want to do to support your community with resources and free value will be lost, nurture will be completely gone. And you start to erode that “know like and trust”, right? We’re all looking for that “know, like and trust”. We’re trying to give that to our people, we’re trying to make sure that everybody knows that you’re legit, that they can be safe with you. And one of the things that I really love about my clients is they always come back to me and they always explain to me the reasons why they felt comfortable. And that’s invaluable data.
Okay, so like if that happens for you, if you’ve had people previously buy for you, and if they’ve not like naturally offered up that information, go and ask them what was it about me that made you feel comfortable parting with your money, you know, what made you buy into me and find out what that thing is and make sure that you when you’re talking about your offers, when you’re talking about what you have available, the invitation isn’t desperate, and it’s allowing people to still see that wonderful light of yours shine through so that you’re not feeling the pressure of continually pushing for sales and sales and sales every single day. And essentially probably behaving in a way that is so misaligned to who you are as a person, because we are not all Wall Street sale sharks. And it’s not, it’s not always the best way for us to actually give our energy to our people.
So I hope you’ve enjoyed those three mythbusters take them and use them to your benefit in the next couple of weeks, next couple of months. Let me know how they worked for you. And if you haven’t already joined us in our free group, please do pop in we would love to see you until next time
I hope you enjoyed today’s podcast as much as I enjoyed recording it! Make sure to subscribe on your favourite podcast provider for future release updates