Terms of Conditions of Courses and Memberships

We are delighted you have chosen to purchase our course or our group memberships, with Dawn Baxter and any associated assistant coaches.
Before we begin our coaching relationship we really want to make our agreement transparent for everyone so there is no confusion.
Courses & Membership
Live training and group coaching.
Live coaching is an important part of our working relationship. Events are scheduled in advance to ensure you have the best chance at being able to join. In courses, please make an active effort to attend training as it is set out. Modules are designed in order and often are best learned when you have been able to attend previous sessions that build a foundation of learning for you. For courses and our memberships it is proven that you will get more out of our training if you can attend live sessions, this allows us to talk openly and for me to answer questions you may have. Please attend these sessions ready to engage and be as free from distractions as possible in order to get the most from them. Our live sessions are often recorded for re-play or re-watch. By attending these sessions you are agreeing for your questions/information at the time of record to be shared within the elements of the membership or course for others to watch to catch up or to refresh if given lifetime access. Our live sessions are currently held on Streamyard, Instagram, Facebook or on Zoom.
Technical Failures
Technical faults, internet down and other unforeseen circumstances occasionally happen and cannot be helped. In the event of such we will communicate to all members to ensure you are notified. If we need to rearrange to another date or time we will communicate this as soon as possible too. If you cannot attend training do not worry we will make sure there is a rewatch copy in the training suite of this website for you to catch up or refer back to at any time.
Course & Membership Facebook Group support
All memberships and some of my courses have an associated Facebook support Group for the duration as an additional support and community centre for members.Our Pretty Pro membership has an ongoing Facebook Group for the entirety.
Courses – I will be in the group at least once a week for the entirety of the course to assist with questions
Membership–I will be in the group at least twice a week to ensure the continued support needed.
With both Courses and Memberships Beyond the dawn digital business cannot control any tech problems that may occur by using this platform as a supporting measure. Should there be any disruption to service on Facebook, all the information will be available on our website and we cannot be held responsible. We will of course always seek to remedy this as quickly as possible.
Disclaimers and further important information…….
- There is no 121 coaching offered in our courses (unless purchased alongside the course or won in the event this has been offered as an additional prize or bonus) Please direct your questions to the supporting Facebook group or during the live sessions with Dawn.
- All services offered by Dawn and the team at Beyond the Dawn digital business are ones of coaching. Although Dawn will support you as your coach there is and never will be any psychological counseling, mental health nor emotional support. If you are in need of a professional support system in this way then Dawn unfortunately cannot advise nor recommend services of this type.
- Coaching practice requires that occasionally conversations that may feel uncomfortable are had. Dawn’s commitment to you is that whereby she will be honest and truthful in her delivery. If this is upsetting in any way – it not intended to be. Please do speak directly with Dawn about the situation. It is important you feel comfortable discussing personal and business themes with absolute confidence and this cannot occur without this direct exchange. This conversation will be welcomed and handled with respect.
When you buy a course ………
- Payment for our courses Vary and some allow for payment plans.
- Payment in full is and upfront cost.
- Payment in monthly installments is a payment plan that runs the duration of the course.
- Bespoke Payment Plans – If you have entered into a plan that falls outside of monthly payments or lasts longer than the duration of the course then the payment will automatically run until the course amount is paid.
- Missing payments – Missing payments will be payable until the full amount of the course you have purchased is paid in full. Missed payments do not expire and Beyond the Dawn will seek legal action to recover payments that have not been collected. This will include the UK legal commercial missed payment standard more information https://www.gov.uk/late-commercial-payments-interest-debt-recovery/charging-interest-commercial-debt
- Beyond the Dawn Digital ltd uses credit control support services to pass on debts and to recoup missed payments should this be required.
- Payments cannot be opted out of nor transferred to a longer period than agreed upon purchase.
Confidence, data and GDPR………
During our sessions course members, membership members or trainers may disclose sensitive information. All information shared is in the most respectful confidence. Beyond the dawn and any course or membership community member agree to never disclose information attained in this way on purpose or accidentally and will not disclose details to any unauthorised third party.
Workbooks, trainings, resources, images, graphics and templates are intended for the use of the course or membership member who purchased only. Sharing content from within any of our services is a breach of our agreement, intellectual property and in most cases copyright. Should any material be shared unethically we will seek legal remuneration.
By signing up to our website as a member for courses or memberships or purchasing courses or memberships from us, you are agreeing to the terms above.
When You join our Memberships / Pretty Pro Members, Leads Lab support suite or Template shop
Membership Terms & Conditions
Our core ethos for Beyond the dawn is to show you a way of doing business that empowers you and those around you. We practice what we preach and part of that involves setting out clearly from the outset the way in which we will deliver our services to you. If you are planning to join Pro members, support suite or our Template shop, (“the Memberships”) then you must read these terms and conditions in full prior to purchasing.
Membership Terms: Key Details
The terms cannot be varied and in proceeding to purchase the Membership you will be deemed to have accepted these terms. The terms and conditions set out below apply to the services offered by [ENTER BUSINESS NAME]. Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under law and set out the terms under which Beyond the dawn ltd (“we”, “our” or “us”) provide services to you, as purchaser of the membership. These terms are subject to any rights you have under consumer law to which we are bound and which cannot be waived by contract.
Membership Outline
Beyond the dawn membership programmes are a membership platform for entrepreneurs who want to learn to authentically grow and scale their online businesses using social media whilst being supported with emotional connection, and practical digital business practice support and training. The membership is an ongoing commitment where you can get regular support and guidance.
The aim is to provide support and guidance on the strategies which online businesses need to help them to grow and become profitable. The information is not tailored to any specific industry or any one person or business but includes information that has been tested and used across a range of different industries. It is also focused and designed for those who are starting out in business. Whilst it may be useful for those who have been in business for a number of years but who have never explored social media strategy or online marketing, the membership is best suited to those who are new to monetising their social media platforms and/or new to the business. Should you need specific or bespoke support then please contact us to enquire about our one-to-one services.
Membership Specifics
There are many Key elements to the membership:
Regular Live Masterclasses
Monthly all the time Q&A Sessions
Downloadable Documents
A Private Facebook Group
Training Library
Exclusive offers, discounts and connection invitations.
Live Masterclasses
The live masterclasses will be led by Dawn, a member of the beyond the dawn team, a collaborative associate. From time to time they may also be joined by expert coaches and consultants who are specialists in different areas of online businesses.
The masterclasses will take place, either directly in the private Facebook Group or via Zoom (or another similar video conferencing platform) for approximately 1 hour. Unless there are unforeseen circumstances, the video calls will take place as communicated in the events tab in the facebook hang out group. It is not our responsibility to notify you of the times in the Facebook Group but we will openly “invite” all active members as we schedule them in.
During each weekly live session, The session will be run in a format that allows you to fully absorb training , recorded for replay in the future. If possible a question and answer session will be added within the hour timeframe.
Question & Answer Sessions
Every day you will get the chance to ask questions about your business/fitness/lifestyle within the community. Open ideas sharing and conversation is welcomed in the group. Occasionally you may also get tailored bespoke support from Dawn or a member of her team but this is not guaranteed. Dawn offers Q&A in live sessions and will support as many questions as possible within the confines of the session.All of the Q&As will be delivered Via Zoom, a co-working session or Facebook Group. This will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss your own circumstances and get support.
In addition to the group masterclasses and live Q&As there will be materials provided for self-study. There is a ready-made library of masterclasses available for you in your website training suite. Each new live masterclass is recorded and added to this library increasing its value each month. For best results, you should work through the workbooks and audio or video material in your own time. Failure to complete the self-study materials may limit your ability to learn from the tips and guidance shared in the live sessions. Failure to utilise these materials does not entitle you to a refund. Access to this library is 24/7. In the rare situation that our site loses connection via hosting or other elements we do not take responsibility – however we will endeavor to rectify the situation within the working hours of Monday – Friday.
Although every effort is made to ensure that the trainings contain accurate information from time to time the Masterclasses may contain outdated information, please refer to the date added to youtube to determine which masterclass training is the most up to date and relevant to your time of learning.
Private Facebook Group
You will have access to a private Facebook to support you during the Membership. The intention of the Facebook group is to provide community support and a network of individuals at a similar stage of business journey and who are facing similar challenges.
From time to Dawn may post and offer support in the Facebook Group but there is no guarantee that posts will be responded to immediately or that any Facebook mailboxes will be monitored.
Please be advised that whilst we hope that you will be able to utilise the Facebook group, we make no guarantees as to the availability of the group and/or the content within the group at any time. We do not own the group nor can we be responsible for changes or removal thereof made by the owner – Facebook /Meta.
It is requested that at all times your behaviour towards others is polite and respectful. Wewill not be held responsible for the behaviour or actions of any other members. Should your behaviour be deemed offensive or inappropriate wereserve the right to remove you from the membership with immediate effect.
The aim of the membership is to provide you with the tools and understanding to attract clients and to grow and scale your online business. To learn the key digital marketing needs as well as learning about success habits, technical practises and more. As a business owner your business is individual and personal to you and whilst the strategies and techniques which we will provide are tested, it is not intended that you will watch a video or read a workbook and that you will instantly turn a profit overnight.
We make no guarantees or claims as to the success of any member. Each individual is unique and their business and processes are unique to them. The aim is that by working through the training and resources and taking advantage of all of the elements which the membership has to offer you will have new information, strategies and techniques to create a successful business.
All information provided will be general information and guidance and will not be bespoke advice. We are not responsible for any action or inaction which you take as a result of the information within the membership. We are not responsible for any loss of opportunity or any investments which you make.
No content in this membership should be construed as medical advice, whether mental or physical. If you believe that you require medical attention you should seek assistance from a medical professional immediately.
We ask that all members in the membership respect the rights of others in respect of their behaviour and privacy. We will not be responsible for the action of any members including for any disclosures made by any members based on information which has been shared within the membership.
Contact and Schedule
It is the intention that the membership will run continuously and that any training material, live Q&As and live masterclass sessions will be provided as set out above. Should an unforeseen reason arise which cause a session(s) to be postponed they will be re-arranged as soon as possible.
Throughout the membership we will be available by email Monday to Friday between 9am to 2pm via Hello@beyondthedawnblog.com andwill respond as soon as possible and within 72 hours during the hours stated.
If you have a technical query relating to accessing the membership please email Tech@beyondthedawnblog.com in the subject line of your email correspondence.
You may see us post on social media outside of our core hours. Not all of these posts are live and some will be pre-scheduled. We are passionate about supporting everyone in the membership and where we can we may respond to you out of hours but we make no guarantees that this will always be possible.
Payment Terms
The cost of the membership is set at the time you subscribe. On subscription you will agree to monthly payments via PayPal, Stripe, Kajabi or gocardless which will be taken on the same day each month or on the same date each year. Subscriptions are not manually managed by the Beyond the Dawn team. You do not need to inform us of your cancellation. You have the option to cancel at any time using the cancellation options in your account on our website, or the membership suite front page. Emailing us to cancel does not automatically cancel your subscription. It is your responsibility to cancel your subscription before the next bill date. Due to open access, we will not refund a previous payment due to your inability to cancel in a timely manner to the next scheduled subscription payment.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Your privacy and protection of your personal data is important to us. Your personal data is protected as set out in our privacy policy which can be found LINK TO PRIVACY POLICY].
We utilise Active Campaign to manage our communications with you and from time to time may utilise the Facebook Pixel analytics tool.
During the course of the membership you may have access to confidential information, in particular the personal affairs of others on the course. In accepting these terms, you agree that you will not use or disclose to any person, organisation or company, and shall use your best endeavours to prevent the publication of, any confidential information relating to any other member.
You accept that any unauthorised disclosure of personal or confidential information belonging to another may amount to immediate dismissal from the membership. Should you decide to leave the Membership then you remain bound by the confidentiality and privacy obligations.
Refunds and Cancellation
It is our aim that you will be completely happy with the Membership and find educational content, networking opportunities and form friendships. However, we appreciate that there may come a time when you wish to leave the Membership.
In accordance with Distance Selling Regulations, you have the right to cancel and obtain a full refund within 14 days from the date of subscription. Refund requests should be made in writing to Hello@beyondthedawnblog.com and a full refund will be provided within 14 working days.
In the event that one or more training sessions have already taken place within the first 14 days following your subscription, you are still entitled to request a refund but the value of the session(s) shall be deducted from the amount paid by you, along with any reasonable costs which have been borne by us in respect of the administrative costs of commencing the membership.
There is no obligation on us to refund any amounts paid where cancellation requests are made following the initial14 day cancellation period.
Should you wish to cancel your membership you can do so at any time Subscriptions are not manually managed by the Beyond the Dawn team. You do not need to inform us of your cancellation. You have the option to cancel at any time using the cancellation options in your account on our website, or the membership suite front page. Emailing us to cancel does not automatically cancel your subscription. It is your responsibility to cancel your subscription before the next bill date. Due to open access, we will not refund a previous payment due to your inability to cancel in a timely manner to the next scheduled subscription payment.
We reserve all rights to cancel the programme for any reason without prior notice. In such circumstance a refund will be provided for the remainder of that month or annum as applicable.
Intellectual Property
During your time as a member you will be provided with course materials. At all times the intellectual property rights and copyrights connected with those materials remain with us. You have the right to use the materials as learning tools but you are not permitted to duplicate or provide copies to third parties. We retain and reserve all of our copyrights.
If you have a complaint about the programme or membership this should be made to made in writing to our team at Hello@beyondthedawnblog.com
Frequently Asked Questions
- What happens if I can’t make a live session?
As far as possible, the live masterclasses will be held in zoom or an online video streaming technology with the links and details added to the Facebook Group. If not they will be recorded and the link to watch will be added to the training suite following the end of a live session. From time to time technology may fail and the recording may be unavailable or of poor visual or sound quality but we do aim to record all live training sessions. We reserve the right not to record additional coworking/group coaching or networking sessions that we may offer as additional extras.
- What if I need additional support?
Additional support can be offered to each member in the form of 1:1 support or guidance. We are happy to support you as required, please contact us directly, additional charges will apply.
- What if I am ill during the membership?
If you are ill or unable to attend a live session for any reason you will be able to watch the recording of that session. If you are ill for an extended period please let us know and we will support you wherever we can.
- Is the membership suitable for all businesses and those at all stages of business?
The membership is best suited to those in business or yet to start, those who have been in business looking to grow. This often suits businesses in their first five years. You may still find benefit if you have been in business longer or if you are pivoting a business in a new direction or towards more digital practices and want to add more professional focus on the social media and marketing side.
We intend to rely on the written terms set out in these terms and conditions for the services that we provide to you in delivery of the membership. These written terms shall constitute the entire agreement between us.
Should there be any conflict between these terms and any membership hosting platform or payment gateway, these terms shall prevail.
We may update these terms and conditions from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of your service. Any changes will be notified to you as soon as possible.
If any provision or part-provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any such modification or deletion shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these terms and conditions.
These Terms are governed by the laws of England & Wales. The Courts of England & Wales have exclusive jurisdiction over any matter and proceedings arising out of the Membership